- Posted January 28, 2013 at 2:18 pm
So here is my first question for my readers.
Shoudl I retire MisfitGeek.com and start a new blog?
I?ve blogged at MisfitGeek.com for a decade and I created the MisfitGeek persona becuase Microsoft (where I worked at the time) wasn?t known for straight talking technical folks who would give developers the best advice even if the best answers we?re made by Microsoft.
MisfitGeek was intentionally irreverent and intended to speak to a rogue audience.
Years ago I secured the domain name SoftStrategy.com which I always thought would be a great blog identity. I choose not to use my name (JoeStagner.com) because I prefer to keep my personal (social / political) writing and my technical writing separate.
Since I?ll be blogging about HTML5, Android, iOS, Linux, DataBase, WIndows, general software development, and patterns and practices ? in addition to PHP, Zend Server and Zend Studio ? it?s seems like SoftStrategy.com would be a good choice.
I would keep MisfitGeek.com on line for archive use and also continue to tweet as @MisfitGeek and I would swap my feedburner links so no change to your readers would be necessary.
So you tell me ???..
1) Make the switch and start fresh at SoftStrategy.com
2.) Keep MisfitGeek.com
Source: http://www.misfitgeek.com/2013/01/should-i-keep-misfitgeek-com-or-switch-to-softstrategy-com/
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