We at Boca Home Care Services understand what a big step it is to have a caregiver come into the home. They are only ?strangers? at first. Once rapport is established a warm interaction and helpful routine can follow. Find some tips to help make your Home Care experience a successful one.
Either due to an accident, fall, hospitalization or a chronic, progressive disease, you need an aide to assist you. The idea of a ?stranger? coming into your home, into your kitchen and helping with your personal care is hard to imagine. But, you have made the decision to start and now you have a caregiver coming over.
We have found that the best way to set up this new relationship to be a successful and even pleasant one is to have a routine. Use the caregiver?s time with you wisely. It is important to have things each visit for the aide to do. Otherwise, you?ll both be wondering how to pass the time. The aide will go on the phone and you may start having feelings of resentment, and want to call the whole thing off.
Truth is, if you need help, then?you need help! We try to increase the chances of success by giving you some tips on how to properly make use of having a caregiver. Firstly, know what the duties of a hired caregiver are ? and what they are NOT. A good aide will assist you, as needed with showering, dressing, walking and other ?Activities of Daily Living?. They will also keep the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom neat ? BUT they are not domestics. It is unrealistic to expect them to do household cleaning beyond ther rooms mentioned. They will also do the shopping, laundry, cooking, and driving. Other tasks include, medication prompts, serve as a companion and can help you with walking and exercises ? all while keeping you safe from any falls.
* Make a list of your important contacts ? Family, Physician and a nearby Friend.
* Another list of you prescribed medications ? name, dosage, time to take it and whether before or after eating.
* Let the caregive know what your routine is. Do you prefer to shower, then breakfast or the other way around?
* If you don?t know how to get to a doctor?s office or other locale, have someone get clear directions for the caregiver.
* If you are the primary caregiver, after the second day, disappear and go take care or yourself ? you are Off Dutty for a few hours.
* Let the aide know what you like to do ? favorite TV programs, a senior center, cards, puzzles, computer?
* Go with the aide the first time to the market, or have someone who knows your preferences go so that he or she can learn what products and brands you prefer.
* Let the caregiver know what types of foods you like, how you want them prepared and at what time do you wish to eat.
* Tell the aide of your allergies to ?foods or medication. Your pet peeves and what you enjoy.
Remember, when you hire a caregiver from a licensed company, they will be screened, trained and experienced, just not with you in your home. It takes a couple of visits to ?click? and once you do ? it is magic. If you don?t, let the company know immediately so that a change can be made. Everyone is dofferent so sometimes it takes more than one try.
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Source: http://www.bocahomecareservices.com/blog/home-care-experience-success/
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