Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Google Fiber turned Kansas City into a magnet for tech startups

By Editor - Tue Jan 15, 3:21 am

Soon no one will snicker when Kansas City residents proudly refer to their city as the ?Silicon Prairie.? As the Associated Press reports, the presence of Google?s (GOOG) high-speed fiber network has turned Kansas City into a major attraction for tech startups that want to take advantage of the fastest Internet connectivity in the United States. According to the AP, ?several startup-friendly locations? have sprouted up in Kansas City in recent months? in residential buildings that give?entrepreneurs room for ?working on their ideas for the next high-tech startup.? The AP profiles one such startup residence, dubbed the ?Home for Hackers,? that offers entrepreneurs ?a deal that allows them to live rent-free? for up to three months ?while they develop their

See more here:

Google Fiber turned Kansas City into a magnet for tech startups


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